Individual Therapy

Coming into alignment with yourself to be present and connected.

Areas of Focus


Depression + Anxiety + Trauma



Women’s Issues

Boundaries/build Agency

Highly Sensitive Persons

lacking fulfillment in life

Emotional Regulation

Life Transitions

Stress Management/Burn Out

Sensory Integration


  • Art therapy makes a difference and can make a hard process less threatening and where words cannot articulate the creative process can step in. Engaging in the creative process helps your body calm, access its parasympathetic/ventral vagal system, where growth and healing can occur. The nonjudgemental creative process is also enjoyable and fun, elevating your spirits and brightening your outlook on life to build positive brain connections. For more information check out AATA

  • The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18

    There is a need that sometimes does not get met in the therapy office – allowing God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit into the healing process. I want to provide a safe place for you to explore your values and beliefs and how those connect to your mental well-being. I want you to be able to open the space up and invite the Holy Spirit into the process if you desire that.

    If you are also not a person of faith and do not want that aspect to be a part of the process that is ok. I will meet you were you are at.

  • I take a whole body approach looking at the mind/body connection and attending to the root cause of symptoms. Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional (CIMHP) Training in process

  • Anchored Relational model is primarily oriented towards giving people the freedom to engage fully with themselves and in relationships with others. For a more detailed explanation please visit the AIR-Network Institute

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an integrative psychotherapy approach that has been extensively researched and proven effective for the treatment of trauma. Therapists often use EMDR to help clients uncover and process beliefs that developed as the result of traumatic experiences. For a more detailed explanation please visit the

    EMDR Institute, Inc.

  • Sessions provide you the time you need to verbally process stressors, trials, and successes. If creative processes are not for you, Carrie give full attention to help guide, build curiosity and problem solve.